Sunday, December 4

There's a road -
not like, a metaphorical road that Robert Frost writes about -
but a real street, that I lived on.
I characterize it by what I did on it when I was a child
which honestly wasn't much because I had a fence
and I stayed inside it until I was 9.
Actually 15, but 9 sounds more poetic
and less recluse-y.
That's my mother's fault though.
She just wanted to protect me from all the creeps
and weirdos that got at me anyways
from inside the tv screen.
This is that existential suburban cry of desperation
from the mouth of a kid who didn't even understand
what a potluck was until her freshman year homecoming dinner
where kids took a night off from their pills and drinking for a wholesome family event
where I felt even more out of place than I would have at the party
because who knew anyone even did pills anymore anyways?
I wonder how many times my street has been repaved?
I don't ever remember seeing them ripping up the concrete
or having to take a different path to get home,
but damn it if I didn't want an excuse to stay outside of my yard
for an extra 15 minutes, sidestepping the holes punched in the sidewalks.
Okay, it would have been more like 5 minutes because the streets in my neighborhood
are all interconnected but let's say that for the sake
of my pre-adolescent dreams of freedom that it was much longer.
So I'm a lot older now, and I complain about the same basic stuff,
and I know, I know that there's like a million different solutions
to my stupid, ridiculous, over-exaggerated problems,
but I think I got trapped, okay? I got shafted from an early age.
This attitude is learned and hard to break
and there are at least 3 different streets
going in 3 different directions around my building that I can immediately think of
which I could walk down,
or wait, drive down, because hey, even if I got my license a year after everyone else,
I have it now and that's what counts.
It's like when I say I'm going to take a shower or go running though.
You walk into my bedroom three hours later
and I've been sitting at my computer in a towel for two of them,
and I would have put on my sneakers this morning
if I had only been able to find a matching pair of socks.
There's no real excuse for what I'm doing
but it's... I guess the easiest form of escapism
For a girl who got fenced in and was told not to open the gate
even though I knew the combination... and how to pick it,
just in case they changed it.
They never did, in case you were wondering.
I told all my friends the code too,
you could probably still get in if you wanted to raid my kitchen
or say hi to my mom
who really doesn't know how to handle sudden visits like that
so you might want to call ahead
even though we never pick up the phone either,
which is actually disconnected now
and that's not metaphorical either,
that house is like a veritable communication fortress.
We have a dog.
I want to kick him.
We've had dogs since before I was born, and he's
the 5th in that long line, but that doesn't change the fact
that I don't like dogs and never will.
The fact that I tried so hard to bond with my father
by playing baseball and poking the eyes of fish he'd caught,
and sitting next to him in the garage for hours at a time
while he drank and smoked and read a novel
maybe about the compassion I would later
completely refuse to give him because he yelled
at my friends for approaching the fence
and making the dogs bark and called me a whore in the 6th grade
which wasn't damaging, just funny because at that point
I was used to quietly, angrily defending me and my sister,
silently staring and daring him to hit me like he so dearly wanted to ever
since that one time that my mom yelled at him
and stopped him from being the abusive fuck I know he would have been
had he been allowed
makes me even more sure of myself when I bitterly spit sentences at him
that hold up a younger more feminine mirror of himself
before he got all old and sad and sorry.
And you're gonna laugh because I'm a happy white girl with daddy issues
and a goddamned whore mouth who makes damn good sammiches
thank you very much,
but I'm working on it
kind of
not really since that April in 8th grade when I decided it'd be a really good idea to
well, lots of things, not eating was probably my favorite because honestly
I still have no idea why that happened and I think it just
the most perfect example of how I operate. I do things
I just do them, okay? I don't have many feelings about them
or needs to rationalize them to myself,
just to the voices of my friends who are a lot harsher than they need to be
which is maybe just me trying to psych myself out so that when I actually
have to deal with people asking why I can just give them an answer
I prepared for one of the voices without having to put much conviction behind it.
and oh my god to think I'd forgotten about that stupid
stupid stupid harmless juvenile party in the 7th grade
that I was embarrassed about for so long
when I do things now that are just so not okay
but kind of are because we're a society just plagued
by dumb taboos and feelings that there are things
we should be hiding about ourselves
and that makes me question why I think it's okay to keep
some people around when they do nothing but
make me upset about what I think and want,
and sometimes I say that's what real friends are
who show you the cold facts about yourself.
But honestly I haven't felt like someone's taken
me and exalted this god awful pit for one minute
because they are too busy telling me why carrying
this pit around is a safety measure
to keep me from running and jumping off some bridge.
But that's not right because I wanted to jump
off that goddamned bridge,
and I was wearing a bungee cord anyways
so you should have just chilled out and been like
you go gay baby or magical unicorn or princess puppy castle dreamboat supreme.
I knew what I was doing. Now I'm just so aggravated all the time
and I say I know what I'm doing,
but do I really? Am I going to wake up in 10 years and not be able to get out of bed
because of the way I behave now?
I think worst case scenario, I try a lot of different things that I always said I would
and that are as awesome as I wanted them to be
and that allow me to throw you the biggest goddamned middle finger on the planet
while I tell you why you were wrong to remind me about GPAs
and the reality principle and the people I'm responsible for
because we all would have been a lot more fucking miserable
if I had finished anything
because finishing something defeats the beautiful dream I had at the outset
and closes that chapter like a job well done that doesn't ever need to be revisited
and I don't want to be the 25 year old who ends back up on the same road
on her mother's couch with a thousand yard stare that envelops
the neighboring houses that are a different shade than way back then.