Tuesday, January 24

I'm in white heels and a bouncy black dress that twists when I do.
I can't see myself but damn it if I can't feel the heat bubbling up
under my skin and propelling my words across the void to
angrily land where welts will be seconds later on my neighbor's face.
I don't remember the details, but what else is new.
There's a group, a family, I think it must be mine.
In in a wooden house, walls, floor, rafters, all cherry or oak
or some other ridiculous species we shouldn't be able to afford.
So already I'm feeling like a little animal in a forest who's got a mark
on its head and plans for its future that aren't its own.
So I run. I'm so angry, and I run.
Full tilt through a piano room and then a hallway and
very, very intentionally
into a door.
It doesn't move, so I pivot on the spot and just scream silently forward
with every little atom of me
still listening to chatters floating in from a few rooms over,
they're still unaware. Good.
I collide with some set of chests holding candles and glass,
and my brain is on its tippytoes but nothing happens.
So it's back to the door.
I don't know if I go through this simply
in order to turn around and run the other way
or if this in itself serves a purpose. I don't know what's behind that door
so the answer to that is really out of the question.
Regardless I'm running back to the chests, shoulder sharp and pointed out,
and I see it tilt, but not enough, though a glass shatters and I am happy.
Away, I return.
Finally! It tilts tilts tilts past its center of gravity,
and I know this time I did it.
I felt the piece of glass slide into my shin straight to safety
amoungst a cluster of my veins,
but I am not there to see the crash because I'm halfway to my door.
I am ecstatic but I need to hide. I feel like there's
a seldom used room behind the door, which would make it safe
to enter and burrow down into. I pull the glass from my skin and
look at how thick it is and red at the tip. I don't feel anything.
The brief pleasure the chaos has brought me is over
and this chapter is going black.
I don't know what happened
but I have the distinct feeling that I am listening to someone
reading my funeral rites.
For a moment I panic and worry I am awake in a coffin,
but then I roll over and assure myself I'm an angel.
Then I wake up.

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