Sunday, September 19

I am reflected in each person I see. I will always make you a part of me,
and it is less and less through a conscious effort that I achieve such aims,
and is now a reflex, holding that duality of self in my head.

You're so natural, the contours of your mind
settling and locking into the grooves of my own,
meshing and folding into an entirely different landscape
that is still somehow distinguishable as two separate halves.

Though I feel if I were to fall into a hole and die, or be carried away by a swift storm,
you would begin to fade too.
You wouldn't be able to stop it, and you might not realize what was happening,
might not perceive how deeply scarred you were,
but you would fade all the same.
Slowly and in small pieces you'd let yourself fall away from the vigor of living.

It is wrong to derive any spark of something hopeful from such a drastic picture,
but I can't help it. The ferocity that I have yet to fully unearth within myself,
with which I believe in the above, is what drives me further forward.
Without that focal thought to build around,
a structure so sound,
There would be just a shell of me.
I find no higher truth than you.

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