Sunday, November 7

I stay up because sleeping is accepting defeat one more time.

There's a gray curtain I can't find a way to open
and it's making me heavy and itch when I breathe.
How do I show you everything I mean without telling you first
so that I don't scare you too much?
I stop the cycle before it starts and I'm imagining shadows
and there's no real end to this knotted clump of string,
but picking at it feels better than just holding the heft of it in my pocket or palm.
Stop. stop stop find a better path. nice better well good. It's too much difficult
my head is cotton you're too much to handle I don't want to go here let me go
stop you're hurting me no I don't mean it yes of course what do you mean
when I say I want many different things from you I don't have any right asking for.

I'm too tired to sleep.

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