Saturday, August 8

Come 'ere. We're gonna be late!

Your shoes are untied, and your dress is unzipped, Livy. That's the third time you've taken out your pigtails. Let's try a braid this time. Oh no, you're not getting eyeshadow, you'll smudge it all off before five minutes have passed.

Stop biting your fingernails! Buckle your seat belt. Must you keep tapping your foot like that?

Finally, I think we made it just in time!
Livy, sit straight. Stop fidgeting, quit biting your lip, uncross your legs, look up ahead, smile once in a while, goodness, you're a lady, not a giraffe, quit craning your neck.

Ohhh, no. I've forgotten their gift. Oh, I'll just express mail it to them. It's not like they need a self warming fondue double boiler for their honeymoon activities. Unless they're Mormon, oh god, are they Mormon?

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